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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Step 3, Day 3 - Let's do some sailing already!

Sue and I woke up at about 700 am and I decided to go for a swim in No Name Harbour.  It was a little cold at first, but I fixed that with a lap around the boat. It is a really nice State Park and would be happy to return here!

Once everyone was up and moving, we pulled the hook and moved over to the face dock while there was an opening.  Captain Keith made us a breakfast of Pancakes and Sausage.  We gathered up the track on the boat and deposited that while we had the opportunity.  

We then took the first our our tests, the written exam for ASA 101.  I aced it at 100%! 

We left No Name Harbour around 10:00 and returned to Biscayne Bay were we headed mostly North, tacking back and forth until about 12:30p when we hove to so that we could have lunch.

After lunch we all took turns practicing all the points of sail.  For those of you that don't know, that would be:
  • Port Tack, Close Hauled (heading up as close to the wind as possible)
  • Port Tack, Close Reaching
  • Port Tack, Beam Reaching (wind directly on our port beam)
  • Port Tack, Broad Reaching
  • Running (directly down wind)
  • Starboard Tack, Broad Reaching
  • Starboard Tack, Beam Reaching
  • Starboard Tack, Close Reaching
  • Starboard Tack, Close Hauled
After we all took our turns at the helm, we continued on towards our anchorage, however our VMG (Velocity Made Good) was not very good at all, so we turned on the motor to make sure we'd make it to Boca Chita anchorage before dark.

We tied up and went for a walk around Boca Chita.  So, so many mosquitos.

Spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, maybe a few Dark 'n Stormy's and then off to bed around 9:30p.


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