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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Stap 3, Day 7 - Last Day on "About Time" and "What the hell happened last night?"

At 7:45am we woke up to the sounds of voices in the cockpit of the boat.  Voices that we didn't recognize.

Long story short, the Captain stayed out very late (4am-ish), eventually walked back to the boat, but "decided" to stop and take a nap on the front lawn of someone's house.  After his nap, we woke up and called an Uber to take him back to the boat, not quite sure of where he was.  It turns out he was only a 5 minute drive to the boat.

Oh, and then there was Charles, he was one of the voices we heard in the cockpit, along with two others, all of which returned to the boat at 7:45am.  Charles was probably a little drunk, but his two drinking buddies were pretty well gone.

It took some time to get rid of them, but after we did, we had breakfast, had a quick review and then took the final test for ASA 104 (we scored 95 and 99).

We were 101, 103, 104 and 114 certified!

We cleaned, packed up and said our farewells to the Captain, Charles, Caroline and "About Time".

Given that we had some time, we had the Uber take us to West Marine, just to look around.  From there we walked to a restaurant/bottle shop for lunch.  We still had time, so we walked to Sailorman which is another sailing supply house (right down the street and owned by the father of the wife half of Sailing the Space Between).  Then we took the Uber to the airport to end our vacation and start thinking about our next chance to go sailing...

- Mike

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